New Delhi, Expressing concern over successive depreciation in the value of the Indian rupee, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday said this was an outcome of external developments and promised measures internally to address the situation.
In a bid to lift sentiments in the currency markets towards the Indian currency, he also assured that there would be no measures on capital controls.
"The depreciation in the value of the rupee since end of May is a matter of concern," the Prime Minister told the Lok Sabha. "What triggered the sharp depreciation in rupee was the market's reaction to unexpected external developments," he adde
In a bid to lift sentiments in the currency markets towards the Indian currency, he also assured that there would be no measures on capital controls.
"The depreciation in the value of the rupee since end of May is a matter of concern," the Prime Minister told the Lok Sabha. "What triggered the sharp depreciation in rupee was the market's reaction to unexpected external developments," he adde
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